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Cyberpunk 2077 shines on next-gen consoles and Stadia, but older hardware struggles

Hands-on with the game on PS5 and Stadia

The first thing to note is there isn’t actually a PS5 version of Cyberpunk 2077 — at least not yet, as full next-gen upgrades aren’t expected until next year. Instead, I’ve been running the PS4 version on a PS5. Performance-wise, it’s been great...

After four hours of play, I haven’t noticed any major frame rate drops, and the visuals are incredible. Unlike on Xbox Series X or Stadia, there aren’t any performance options on PS5 — many modern games let players choose between having a higher resolution or frame rate — but it hasn’t been a huge loss in my experience. Even during extremely busy moments, like a massive shootout or a walk through a tightly packed street market, the game chugged along just fine.

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